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Degree Programs

Expanding the landscape of Graduate Education

与学生日益多样化的学术兴趣保持一致, 位于新奥尔良的路易斯安那e世博esball大学很自豪地提供教育学硕士课程, Counseling, Public Health, Speech-language Pathology, 神学和教育领导博士课程.
Being a leading HBCU, 我们努力在众多领域提供认证,这不仅有助于我们的毕业生发挥领导作用, innovate, 在劳动力方面保持竞争力,在商业领域也要有所作为, healthcare, and the environment.

Expanding the landscape of Graduate Education

Application Deadlines:

Spring Semester:

October 1 – Priority

December 1 – General

Fall Semester:


Other degree program deadline

April 1 – Priority

May 1 – General 

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Education Programs

Learn More About Ed.D

Doctorate in Educational Leadership

The program is a 60-credit hour, 100%在线课程,专注于城市教育和学校转型, 运用多学科方法,将理论和研究与实践相结合. As a doctoral student, 你将有机会参加研讨会和项目,这将提高你的学习经验和过程, transforming the way you write, think, and lead. 进入我们的小班教学,体验与教师和其他学生的亲密接触, 所有这些都将帮助你成为一个批判性思维和自信的领导者.

Learn More About Ed.D

Learn More About Education Leadership, M.A.

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

The Educational Leadership, M.A. 课程是一个36学时的面对面课程,专为准备转入的学生设计 在教育方面担任领导角色,如校长、副校长或中央办公室行政人员; in the M.A. 教育领导力是XULA的招牌课程之一. You will build 牢固、持久、有意义的关系 in each class. 通过你在这个项目中磨练的技能,直接影响你的社区和你每天与之互动的年轻人.

Learn More About Education Leadership, M.A.

Learn More About Teaching, M.A.

Master of Arts in Teaching

在e世博esball大学获得小学教师执照, middle, secondary, or special education in a 36 – credit hours, in-person program 专为没有教学经验的学生设计. 与专门致力于为您提供特殊数量的个人接触的教师联系, coaching, support, and supervision enabling you to lead a classroom with confidence and compassion. 该计划还提供阅读专家领域的课程和教学专业, and special interest general or teacher leader.

Learn More About Teaching, M.A.

Science Programs


Master of Public Health in Health Equity

e世博esball公共卫生硕士(MPH)卫生公平 是一个45学分的面对面课程,为希望获得新的理解的专业人士提供 Public Health through the lens of equity. Through this program, 你将探索公共卫生和循证科学的核心信念和功能. 基于学校和公共卫生项目协会和公共卫生教育委员会目前的工作, this program educates you in the environmental, biological, genetic, behavioral, and psychological factors, 以及全球化对人类健康的影响. 

Learn More About M.P.H.

Learn More About Speech Language Path, M.S

Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology

语言病理学理学硕士是一个51学时的课程,专注于培养由美国语言听力协会(ASHA)定义的临床胜任的专业人士,以尊重和同情地解决需求(i).e., prevention, identification, 治疗)个体在整个生命周期的沟通障碍, 差异或那些在不同社区内部或跨社区面临此类问题风险的人, settings, and contexts.

Learn More About Speech Language Path, M.S

Learn More About Health Informatics, M.S

Master of Science in Health Informatics

文理学院开设了一门新的学术课程, 健康信息学理学硕士学位. 该课程在线提供,既有论文也有非论文选择. 硕士课程要求学生完成36个学分,其中包括一个顶点课程或一个研究项目.

Learn More About Health Informatics, M.S


Master of Science in Genetic Counseling

作为HBCU内唯一的遗传咨询项目, 通过促进多样性和包容性,XULA具有独特的定位,可以彻底改变该领域. By partnering with Ochsner Health, 这个遗传咨询计划强调了一个强有力的承诺,以解决社区不成比例的影响,医疗保健差距. 通过支持遗传学和医疗保健领域未被充分代表的声音, XULA aims to break barriers, broaden perspectives, and drive meaningful change. 该机构坚定不移地追求卓越, 它强调包容性和消除医疗保健差距的使命,使XULA成为塑造美国遗传咨询更公平未来的关键力量.

Learn More about M.S. in Genetic Counseling

Programs Cont.


Master of Theology

在黑人天主教研究所获得硕士学位. 一所天主教神学院,有两个课程部门(硕士学位) & 继续教育和充实)教育未被任命的俗人 & clergy persons for Catholic ministry within U.S. Black Catholic communities.


Visit The Institute for Black Catholic Studies

Xavier’s Master of Arts in Counseling program

Master of Arts in Counseling

e世博esball大学的心理咨询硕士课程是一个60学时的研究生课程 咨询和相关教育项目认证委员会 (CACREP). Elevate your career to the next level of leadership and service 作为持牌专业咨询师(LPC)或持牌精神健康咨询师(LMHC). Choose from two specialization tracks: 学校心理咨询或临床心理健康咨询,两者都符合CACREP标准,使您成为一名 knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical 临床心理健康咨询师或专业学校咨询师. 

Learn More About Counseling, M.A